Saturday 12 May 2007


To have friends is to be blessed. To have true friends is to be truely blessed. I'm not on about the smaltzy TV sitcom variety.

I mean the sort you phone in the middle of the night when life is being a bitch and you need the voice of reason.

I mean the sort that you can go on holiday with on more than one occasion and still remain friends. I mean the sort that you can talk about anything with.

I mean the sort that you don't have to talk about anything, in fact you don't have to say anything yet still derive pleasure from being in their company.

I mean the sort that will help you no matter what the situation and not note it down as a favour to be reclaimed at some future date.

I mean the sort that like you for just being you.

Friendship is less about what you say & do and more about who you are .
It is about being able to tell the truth without apology.

It is about being able to spend time together over good food with or without alcohol, tell stories of ancient daring do, recount the latest senior moments (if you can remember them!), and laugh with others as they laugh with you at the latest embarrassing thing to have happened since you last met.

Andrew, Sharon, Kat - Thank You

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