22:18 - Ouch - Part 1 Lunar Module Commanders Log - 21:14 230507
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Ouch I
Ouch II
22:36 - Ouch II Jubilee Gardens, Ely, Cambs. 240507-20:00
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
The Moose Strike Back!
Yes sports fans. The Moose is alive and well and living in an office somewhere in the outlands of Ely.
He was spotted today trying to walk from one side of said office to the other.
Whilst he did manage to achieve this death defying manouver with out the aide of a safety net (and with out getting the laces of one boot caught round the other) it was not all plain sailing for Alces alces.
Instead of thinking he was Rudolph Nureyev, this time he thought he was Paul Daniels, and performed the pulling the table cloth off the table and leaving everything else behind trick.
Well.......... sort of!
It was more, got his boot caught in the lead of his head phones that were on the desk and pulling everything on to the floor and leaving the desk behind!!!
Got to hand it to him he is keen to have a go a new skills!
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Do Mooses Dance?

The young boy cried,
not believing what
his eyes'd just spied
"What's that you say?"
His parents said
Both very worried
about their little Fred
"Mooses! Do They Dance?"
asked the boy once again
Now Fred was worried
Was he going insane
"Look out the window!"
The young man cried
And so they did
then stared at each other, mouths open wide
It had to be true
Although unheard of before
but they could see a moose
in the next field take to the floor.
Standing proud on two legs
It tottered around
It was a miracle that it didn't
Land splat on the ground.

With a flare that alluded
Astaire and Kelly
It looked like the creature
Was tapping in wellies!
With a final pirouette
came the end of the waltz
Then Fred and Parents
Saw they were at fault
It wasn't a moose
doing a bit of soft shoe
but an 'ordinary' man
well, a clumsy old fool
Who somehow managed
(with great skill and grace)
to get tangled up
in a simple bootlace
The loop of lace
of the boot on the right
hooked around the left boot
and thus started the plight
Simply moving his feet
Put things in motion.
22 stone on the move is a
frightening notion
In an attempt to avoid
Landing flat on his face
The poor chap had to try to
dislodge that rogue lace
And this he managed.
Though no ones sure how.
One minute he was tripping
The next taking a bow.
Do mooses dance?
Not bloody likely
It's just fat clumsy men
Who cant tie their boots tightly!

Saturday, 12 May 2007
I mean the sort you phone in the middle of the night when life is being a bitch and you need the voice of reason.
I mean the sort that you can go on holiday with on more than one occasion and still remain friends. I mean the sort that you can talk about anything with.
I mean the sort that you don't have to talk about anything, in fact you don't have to say anything yet still derive pleasure from being in their company.
I mean the sort that will help you no matter what the situation and not note it down as a favour to be reclaimed at some future date.
I mean the sort that like you for just being you.
Friendship is less about what you say & do and more about who you are .
It is about being able to tell the truth without apology.
It is about being able to spend time together over good food with or without alcohol, tell stories of ancient daring do, recount the latest senior moments (if you can remember them!), and laugh with others as they laugh with you at the latest embarrassing thing to have happened since you last met.
Andrew, Sharon, Kat - Thank You