Sunday, 18 November 2007
Farewell Blogspot
I'm finding it harder than ever to keep sites going so if you are still wanting to know what I'm up to then come see me at my myspace page.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Passing Of The Marmite Loving Fen Tiger aka Oliver

Oliver the marmite loving, cheese addict, chocolate stealing, broccoli munching, very dear friend of us all, sadly died today after what we think was a stroke.
She will be very sadly missed.
Our sincere thanks to the staff of Cathedral Veterinary Practice in Ely.
A small funeral was held, at which the family said a personal goodbye.
Oliver became a member of our family in September/October 1989. Lindsay and I were recovering from a horrendous car accident, and this little ginger kitten appeared on the doorstep one day. The kitten came in, was fed, and put outside again. This happened a few times but, unable to take a hint, and coming back for 'more' - Oliver - joined our other 3 cats (Merlin, Shandy and Twizzle) as a permanent resident.
Oliver was in fact "Olivia", but by the time we realised (when the vet said she could not neuter the cat as it had nothing to cut off!) the name had stuck and Oliver she remained.
We sadly lost the original trio in the same year (about 8 years ago) (Merlin in the January and Twizzle and Shandy in the summer a day apart). So Oliver has been the cat for quite a while.
Now we are cat-less and will remain so.
Do you know I really am going to miss having to share my toast or hide chocolate...
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Why You Little.........DOH!
Well some mindless cretin(s) decided it would be a joke to take her car for a drive in the early hours of Tuesday Morning.
So at 5:45am when she went out to work and found her car gone, I think even her closets friends would've had a job recognising her. Incandescent with rage does not even get close to the mark.
In fact had she been able to get her hands on the miscreants in the first half hour of finding the theft, I think, the perpetrators would have been minus various appendages.
Now her little car was quite old (a J) and only cost £500 pounds, but it was her little car and she bought it herself. It gave her independence, the ability to take on jobs further a field, Oh and provide a Taxi Service for the kids!
Sian showed suitable concern when she learned of the situation, Daniel on the other hand said, does that mean we have to walk!!! Kids! I love them, but I couldn't eat a whole one (ironic that should be a line from an advert for a Frozen Meal product, I think, were it was delivered by a butler type character played by Chris Langham.)
And it was all the 'bits' in the car like Cedric the Rabbit and Claude the Crab that kept the dashboard warm. Oh and there was all the books and 'stuff' that Lindsay had sorted out for jumble sales and the Red Cross, oh and her winter coat and her hat for work, and a wine making kit that has lived in the boot of the car since the day Lindsay bought it from a friend about a year ago!
Lindsay reported the theft to the Police and the Insurance Company.
Then went off to work in my car. When she got back she went round to the neighbours to see if they had seen anything or heard anything strange. One or two of them have camera's and there was a possibility that these may have caught something. (NO SUCH LUCK)
One of the neighbours mentioned some names to Lindsay who have a history of this very thing. Lindsay came home and was about to call the police when a PC turned up at the door.
She recounted her tale to the PC and the name(s) were not new to him.
Anyway, later that afternoon Lindsay received a call to say that her car had been found in a ditch between Littleport and Upwell (on a straight piece of road). The chap at the garage where the car was taken reckons that as they broke the steering lock when the broke in, what ever the did did not immobilise the steering lock completely and this came on leaving the thieves with no steering and no escape from the ditch. FUCKING GOOD JOB! -> I don't normally hold with foul language being used openly in blogs etc but on this occasion....
The good news was that Cedric and Claude were still in one piece - as was most of the wine making kit. (including one of the demi johns which was used by the little darlings to try and raise the car up so they could rock it out of the ditch).
So we wandered over to Littleport to collect the stuff from the car. Which apart from being full of fen soil, was undamaged relatively. But because the work needing doing on the car came to more than £3 6" 4D (Three Pounds Six Shillings and Four Pence) (£3.40!) it was uneconomic to repair and therefore WRITE OFF!
And the daft thing is the only thing they thieved from from car was a Christmas Present that did not get delivered(a fluffy pink glove and scarf set) and a white catering hat!!
This should make the b@st@rds easy to identify.
I hope the pink doesn't clash with the shell suits, although white does go with most things! (mind you they'll probably wearing those burgundy numbers with the black trousers!)
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Another Tell Of Woe & Damage
The above link will take you to the latest story of mis-adventure involving yours truly!
(Sorry this is just about me, my two best friends weren't involve
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Crab Apple Sauce!!
By Nick Farrell: Tuesday, 25 September 2007, The Inquirer
Nick goes on to say in his article
"THE OTHER FOUNDER of the entertainment gear maker Apple has issued a stinging attack on Open Source (in an interview with eWeek) .
Steve Wozniak described Open Saucers as a "group of people who want to undo the forces of industry that have given us so much in terms of wealth"."
The great Woz goes on to say "...the good points in Open Sauce have nothing to do with whether the software is free or not... the best part about it is the idea of developing something and then making it known"Read the full article here
Sunday, 3 June 2007
The Man Eating Futon Of Chapel Hill!
19:15 - A Weekend In The Wilds.................of Lincolnshire
Current mood: peaceful
Was I there to meet up with some famous explorer who had dropped out of contact with the out side world a-la Dr Livingstone? - NO!
I was there to see my dad who is in hospital having had a hip replacement.
He had the op on Thursday 31st May, and I went up to stay with my mum on Friday.
Dad got the operation OK and the surgical team were and are very pleased with him. He is walking with the aid of a frame - and tomorrow (Monday) the physio team are going to get him walking with crutches and put him through his paces up ad down stairs. If things go to plan he should be home on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week.
This has been a family support operation! My sister and her family stayed with mum & dad this week just gone so they were there when he went in to hospital. They went Friday night, I was there Friday through til this late afternoon.
My brother will be there from tomorrow through til Thursday.
So we have been trapsing back and to the hospital for afternoon and evening visiting. Luckily the hosptial is only 15 miles from my parents house but it still takes 30 mins to get there as its all country roads ( all round Will's mothers as they say round here!).
However the really excitement has had nothing to do with operations, hopsitals, visiting etc. Oh No.
Friday night I was attacked by a man eating Foton. I also made the mistake of using the loo with the light off and ended up using not moist toilet tissue but Parazone Bleach Wipes, and that was after suffering the ignominy of getting stuck when trying to sit on the loo without moving the device that has been placed over it so it is the right height for dad to use when he gets home. (Designed for Hip Op patients not lardy arses that weigh 22 stone). SO having decided I need to move said contraption I then manged to get it tangled up in my jeans so I nearly fall over the damn thing!
Oh, I had a second run in with the man eating futon this morning. I was returning to my room having showered and dressed, and on entering i managed to step on my watch which dug in to my foot and made me lose my balance. I landed on the end of the futon and the top ended up on me!! I was laughing so much I couldnt get up!
So what with, no broadband, the killer futon, the spicy wet wipes it was more than I simple soul could bear. Oh then to make things complete I spent the last evening of my stay in the company of the Witches Of East Wick! (Well my aunty came up to stay, so what with her and my mum!) only joking!
But I'm back now. In the real world.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Ouch I
22:18 - Ouch - Part 1 Lunar Module Commanders Log - 21:14 230507